Online Teaching and Learning Design Badge of Excellence Accreditation (Only)

SKU: 1133279
420 minutes

Course Category

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This Badge of Excellence Accreditation module is Module 5 of the Online Teaching and Learning Design course. 

It is an additional unit for those customers who have purchased the Online Teaching and Learning Course (Short Course) and have completed all four modules and have later decided that they would like to do the accreditation to achieve the full course. 

It involves directed tasks that you use to provide evidence to meet the standards of the badge of excellence quality mark from Open Awards. What this means is that your work will be moderated against quality standards and you will receive a Badge of Excellence certificate of achievement to add to your CV.

Please note that you must complete the Online Teaching and Learning Short Course before purchasing this module.  If you want to purchase the full accredited course click here.


This is an optional unit linked to Badge of Excellence Accreditation for the Online Teaching and Learning Design Short Course.
If you have completed the Online Teaching and Learning Design 4 module (Short Course) and later decide that you want to get the Badge of Excellence recognition then this can be purchased to complete the additional module to extend your studies.