Child Safeguarding Level 2

SKU: 1195368
124 minutes

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This CPD-certified, level-2 e-learning course is suitable for anyone who comes into contact with children in their work or voluntary activity, and provides learners with a thorough understanding of how to recognise child abuse, the forms of abuse, child development, responding to disclosure, acting on concerns, and reporting abuse.

The course includes optional voiceover recorded by a professional actor and includes downloadable resources, culminates with an assessment and provides certification upon completion to evidence the learning provided. It is specifically designed to give learners a better understanding of what the different types of child abuse are, what signs to look out for and what actions to take.

Please Note: This course is for 1 user only so the name of the purchaser will need to complete the course to receive the certificate. If your workplace would like to offer this course to several staff, please click on the “View Course” followed by the “Enquire Now” button and ask about a bespoke offer.

Certified 2 CPD Points valid for 1 year
This course is suitable for anyone who comes into contact with children in their work or voluntary activity. For larger orders please view the course information and click the "Enquire Now" button.