Showing 1–12 of 15 results
E-Safety Level 2
94 minutes
Certified 1.5 CPD Points valid for 1 year
This course is suitable for anyone who comes into contact with children in their work or voluntary activity, and provides learners with a thorough understanding of the risks that children face online, what preventative measures they can take, how to take action in the event of an e-safety incident, and what Ofsted expect. For larger orders please view the course information and click the "Enquire Now" button. -
Health and Safety Level 2
140 minutes
RoSPA-assured and certified 2.25 CPD Points valid for 3 year
This course is suitable for anyone who is required to know and understand their health & safety rights and responsibilities at work. For larger orders please view the course information and click the "Enquire Now" button. -
Data Protection and The GDPR Level 2
40 minutes
Certified 0.75 CPD Points valid for 1 year
This course is suitable for anyone who is handling, processing, or storing data as part of their work, or for anyone who wants to understand and/or exercise their rights as a data subject, including requesting the personal data stored about you by an organisation. For larger orders please view the course information and click the "Enquire Now" button. -
Mental Health and Young People Level 2
21 minutes
Certified 0.25 CPD Points valid for 1 year
This course is suitable for anyone working with children as part of their work or voluntary activity. For larger orders please view the course information and click the "Enquire Now" button. -
Equality and Diversity Level 2
37 minutes
Certified 0.5 CPD Points valid for 1 year
This e-learning course is suitable for any member of an organisation. For larger orders please view the course information and click the "Enquire Now" button. -
Manual Handling Level 2
40 minutes
RoSPA-assured and certified 0.5 CPD Points valid for 3 year
This course is suitable for anyone who undertakes manual handling activities as part of their work or voluntary activity. For larger orders please view the course information and click the "Enquire Now" button. -
Work and Home DSE (Display Screen Equipment) Level 1
48 minutes
RoSPA-assured and certified 0.25 CPD Points valid for 3 year
This course is suitable for anyone who is required to understand how to manage risks associated with display screen equipment at home and in the workplace. For larger orders please view the course information and click the "Enquire Now" button. -
DSE (Display Screen Equipment) at Home Level 1
28 minutes
RoSPA-assured and certified 0.25 CPD Points valid for 3 year
This course is suitable for anyone who is required to understand how to manage risks associated with display screen equipment at home when working remotely. For larger orders please view the course information and click the "Enquire Now" button. -
DSE (Display Screen Equipment) at Work Level 1
28 minutes
RoSPA-assured and certified 0.25 CPD Points valid for 3 year
This course is suitable for anyone who is required to understand how to manage risks associated with display screen equipment in the workplace. For larger orders please view the course information and click the "Enquire Now" button. -
Inclusive Language Level 1
8 minutes
Certified 0.25 CPD Points valid for 1 year
This course is suitable for anybody looking to be more inclusive in the language they use and the words they choose, at work or in any area of their life. For larger orders please view the course information and click the "Enquire Now" button. -
Customer Due Diligence Level 2
11 minutes
Certified 0.25 CPD Points valid for 1 year
This course is suitable for anyone who works in the Regulated Sector, or in other organisations where prevention of financial crime is important, and provides learners with an understanding of the purpose of customer due diligence, when it applies and what it involves. For larger orders please view the course information and click the "Enquire Now" button. -
Safer Recruitment Level 2
30 minutes
Certified 0.5 CPD Points valid for 1 year
This course is suitable for anyone who works with children, young people, or adults at risk in their work or voluntary activities. For larger orders please view the course information and click the "Enquire Now" button.